Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Take me to the water....

No, I don't sing to the tune of Talking Heads music but I lo-o-o-ve being in the water! Swimming is my game and none of this fast, racing, gotta get there first stuff...nope, I like it nice and slow and leisurely and la-de-da. In fact, given a choice, I'll float on the people-float and lounge in the water, quietly playing with my favorite green toy. (If she ever figures out how to get up the pictures, you'll see lots of me swimming, floating, lounging...)

Take me to the water...it's what I live for. Everything else is just.... Well, for example.

Today, Mom left me in the office. Now, don't get me wrong. There are lots of other people-types in the office (which is fine) and a few other dogs (mostly fine), so I've got lots of company. But they're not Mom. So I sit very patiently by the front door waiting for her to return. She does...finally! I jump and hug and smile but, why the heck did she have to go in the first place??? Doesn't she want to spend every waking (and sleeping) moment with me like I want to spend with her??? Doesn't she see that I'm everything she needs?? And is there a swim in today's schedule? Not even a whisper! See, this is what I'm saying.....

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