Friday, March 6, 2009


I sleep a lot. I mean, I really enjoy sleeping a lot. A lot of sleeping is, my way of thinking, a good thing. Yawn.

Why does everyone rush out of bed in the morning? Just lay down and enjoy the snooze and snuggle. Maybe a belly or chest rub is a good thing, too. And a stretch every now and again. But the snooze is the thing. What's the rush to throw off the covers out of the comfortable snuggle?

Then there's sleeping in the office. Why doesn't Mom join me on the floor, up against the wall, for a mid-day sleep? I admit, this is not as much of a sleep as it is a resting of the eyes, body, mind. Gotta keep some sort of eye on the front door and greet whoever comes in but, after that, sleep!

I've noticed that if I'm quiet and restful that everything around me is, too. Like now. I'm snoozing under Mom's desk, quietly breathing in and out while Mom puts thoughts on the computer thing. She's quiet and peaceful. I like that.

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